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An optional Action button can be added to the top right of the Tickets Nav Bar.
Hidden Action Button
By default, this Action button is hidden:
TMTickets.shared.navBarButtonTitle = nil
Custom Action Button
You can set the title of the Action button to any string you want, though preferrably something short:
TMTickets.shared.navBarButtonTitle = "Help"
TMTickets.shared.navBarButtonTitle = "Chat"
Relevant Action Button Pages
The Action button will be shown on the top right of the Tickets Page, Back of Ticket Page, and Barcode Page:
Ticket | Back of Ticket | Barcode |
Button Functionality
Pressing the Action button does not do anything by itself. The Tickets SDK does not currently have any built-in operations, such as Help or Chat.
If you enable the Action button, you must handle the button's functionality yourself in the TMTicketsOrderDelegate:
// set your class as the orderDelegate
TMTickets.shared.orderDelegate = self
/// optional delegate to be informed of non-analytics User-actions
extension MyClass: TMTicketsOrderDelegate {
/// Method is invoked if the client app needs to handle the navBar button
/// - Parameters:
/// - page: SDK page where button was pressed
/// - screenTitleName: title of screen where button was pressed
/// - event: current Event and purchased Orders being viewed (if any)
func handleNavBarButtonAction(
page: TicketmasterTickets.TMTickets.Analytics.Page,
screenTitleName: String?,
event: TicketmasterTickets.TMPurchasedEvent?) {
// TODO: handle Action button operation yourself
// for example, open a webpage, or a native ViewController, or some other SDK
if let event = event {
if let name = screenTitleName {
print("User Pressed NavBar Button on Page: \(page.rawValue) Named: \(name) Event: \(event.info.identifier)")
} else {
print("User Pressed NavBar Button on Page: \(page.rawValue) Event: \(event.info.identifier)")
} else if let name = screenTitleName {
print("User Pressed NavBar Button on Page: \(page.rawValue) Named: \(name)")
} else {
print("User Pressed NavBar Button on Page: \(page.rawValue)")
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