Analytics, Android
  • 15 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Analytics, Android

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Article summary

Authentication State Diagram

Service Configuration State Flow

Note that during configuration, multiple services may be configured, causing mulitple calls of serviceConfigured state. While serviceConfigurationCompleted will only be called once at the end of the login process.

You can always query to find out which services were configured using:

Login State Flow

Note that during login, multiple services may be logged in. For example: TeamModernAccounts (Archtics) and HostModernAccounts.
Multiple calls of loggedIn may fire, one for each service. While loginCompleted will only be called once at the end of the login process.

You can always query to find out which services were logged in using:

Logout State Flow

If you call logout, by default the system will logout of ALL currently configured services. This means loggedOut may be called multiple times. While logoutCompleted will only be called once at the end of the logout process.

If for some reason you want to logout of a single, particular service, this is possible using:

How to setup Authentication analytics

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