Analytics Overview
  • 28 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Analytics Overview

  • Dark

Article summary

Analytics data is available in all SDKs to aid in understanding how fans interact with the Ignite components of your app. Retail, Tickets and Accounts SDK will return the following dimensions on all screenviews/events:

  • Platform (iOS or Android)
  • SDK Version
  • Login Status

Analytics for Retail SDK

The following analytics are available for both iOS and Android and can be sent to your own analytics system (i.e. Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics), by using callbacks provided by the SDKs. Available analytics include:

  • Artist Page Viewed 
    • Dimension: Artist Name
  • Venue Page Viewed 
    • Dimension: Artist Name
    • Dimension: Venue Name
    • Dimension: Event Date
  • EDP Page Viewed
    • Dimension: Artist Name
    • Dimension: Venue Name
    • Dimension: Event Name
    • Dimension: Event Date
  • Checkout Page Viewed
    • Dimension: Artist Name
    • Dimension: Venue Name
    • Dimension: Event Name
    • Dimension: Event Date
  • Purchase Complete
    • Dimension: Artist Name
    • Dimension: Venue Name
    • Dimension: Event Name
    • Dimension: Event Date
    • Ecommerce Event 

Analytics for Accounts SDK

See Accounts Analytics

Analytics for Tickets SDK

See Tickets Analytics

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