Set up Analytics
  • 31 Jul 2023
  • 11 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Set up Analytics

  • Dark

Article summary

PrePurchase Analytics:

Analytics can be triggered to your own analytics portal by using the callbacks provided by SDK. Every page view and didShare action will trigger a callback that you can use to record the analytics data.

Initialization Method:

// For attraction
TMPrePurchaseViewController.attractionDetailsViewController(attractionIdentifier: String,
marketDomain: MarketDomain = .US,
enclosingEnvironment: EnclosingEnvironment)

// For venue
TMPrePurchaseViewController.venueDetailsViewController(venueIdentifier: String,
marketDomain: MarketDomain = .US,
enclosingEnvironment: EnclosingEnvironment)

Initilization Example:

// For attraction
let viewController = TMPrePurchaseViewController.attractionDetailsViewController(attractionIdentifier: ”1646704”,
marketDomain: .US,

// For venue
let viewController = TMPrePurchaseViewController.venueDetailsViewController(venueIdentifier: ”82789”,
marketDomain: .US,

/// Setting analytics delegate
viewController.analyticsDelegate = self
/// Setting navigation delegate
viewController.navigationDelegate = self
/// Setting location delegate
viewController.locationDelegate = self

Analytics Delegate Methods:

public protocol TMPrePurchaseAnalyticsDelegate: AnyObject {
    // MARK: User Behavior Analytics
    /// user has just shared this ADP/VDP page
    func prePurchaseViewController(_ viewController: TMPrePurchaseViewController,
                                   didShare pageTitle: String,
                                   and pageURL: URL,
                                   to activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType)
    // MARK: UAL Webpage Analytics
    /// PrePurchase webview has fired a pageView
    func prePurchaseViewController(_ viewController: TMPrePurchaseViewController,
                                   didFirePageView pageView: UALPageView)

Navigation Delegate Methods:

public protocol TMPrePurchaseNavigationDelegate: AnyObject {
    /// PrePurchase needs to open an EDP (Event Details Page) to possibly make a purchase.
    /// - Note: Your code needs to initialize and display the Purchase SDK here
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - eventIdentifier: Event identifier
    func prePurchaseViewController(_ viewController: TMPrePurchaseViewController,
                                   navigateToEventDetailsPageWithIdentifier eventIdentifier: String)

Location Delegate Methods:

public protocol TMPrePurchaseLocationDelegate: AnyObject {
    // Called when user uses web UI to change the current market
    func prePurchaseViewController(_ viewController: TMPrePurchaseViewController,
                                   didChangeLocationTo location: MarketLocation)
    // Called when the user taps Use Current Location.
    // The integrating app, once receiving this callback, is expected to ask for device location, possibly triggering permission prompt. 
   //Respond with either of the two public functions, depending on the outcome.
    func prePurchaseViewControllerDidRequestCurrentLocation(_ viewController: TMPrePurchaseViewController)

To get analytics from PrePurchase SDK create your own implementation of TMPrePurchaseWebAnalyticsListener and TMPrePurchaseUserAnalyticsListener, and add these to TMPrePurchaseFragmentFactory when initializing PrePurchase.

private val integratorFactory: TMPrePurchaseFragmentFactory by lazy {
        tmPrePurchaseNavigationListener = NavigationListener(),
        tmPrePurchaseShareListener = ShareListener(),
        tmPrePurchaseUserAnalyticsListener = UserAnalyticsListener(),
        tmPrePurchaseWebAnalyticsListener = WebAnalyticsListener()

TMPrePurchaseUserAnalyticsListener will notify the integrating app when an Event has been selected, and when Sharing has been selected on ADP/VDP

public interface TMPrePurchaseUserAnalyticsListener : Serializable {

     * This method is called when the user select an event available on ADP/VDP
     * @param event The event for which the ticket selection screen is opened
    public fun onEDPSelectionStarted(event: DiscoveryEvent)

     * This method is called when the user selects a menu item
     * @param event The Artist/Venue on which the user selected the menu item
     * @param menuItemSelected The menu item that was selected
    public fun onMenuItemSelected(
        event: DiscoveryAbstractEntity,
        menuItemSelected: TMPrePurchaseMenuItem

TMPrePurchaseWebAnalyticsListener will notify the integrating app of the current state of the page being loaded, and the analytics for the current page being viewed.

public interface TMPrePurchaseWebAnalyticsListener : Serializable {

     * This method is called when a webpage is loading
     * @param url The url that is been loaded
    public fun onLoadingPage(url: URL)

     * A warning that the page is taking so long to load, that the native loading was dismissed as a precaution.
     * @param url The url that is taking long to load
     * @param duration
    public fun onPageLoadProgressBarTimeout(url: URL, duration: Long)

     * This method is called when an error occurs while loading the page
     * @param url The url at which the error occurred
     * @param error The exception
    public fun errorOnPageLoad(url: URL, error: Exception)

     * This method is called when the page is loaded
     * @param url The url that has loaded
     * @param duration The time taken for loading the url
    public fun onPageLoadComplete(url: URL, duration: Long)

    // TODO needs further clarification
     * This method is called when an error occurs on a webpage
     * @param url The url where the error occurred
     * @param error The exception
    public fun errorOnWebpage(url: URL, error: Exception)

     * This method is called when a user visits a webpage
     * @param
    public fun onWebpageReportedUALPageView(pageView: UALPageView)

     * This can be ignored
     * Only Available for Ticketmaster App
    public fun onWebpageReportedUALUserAction(action: UALUserAction)

TMPrePurchaseNavigationListener will notify the integrating app of the desired Navigation on ADP/VDP

public interface TMPrePurchaseNavigationListener : Serializable {
     *User has selected an Event from either ADP/VDP
     * @param event selected event for current attraction/venue
     * @param abstractEntity current attraction/venue
    public fun openEventDetailsPage(abstractEntity: DiscoveryAbstractEntity?, event: DiscoveryEvent)

    * Current URL is not supported
    * Integrating app decides how to proceed
    public fun openURLNotSupported(url: String)

    * Toolbar Action Icon Pressed
    * Integrating app decides how to proceed
    * Ex: Pop back-stack or replace current fragment 
    public fun onHamburgerMenuPressed()

    * Current Location Requested by user
    * Obtain necessary permissions
    * return location as string
    public fun onDidRequestCurrentLocation(
        globalMarketDomain: TMMarketDomain?,
        completion: (String) -> Unit

     * Current Location Updated by user
    public fun onDidUpdateCurrentLocation(
        globalMarketDomain: TMMarketDomain?,
        location: Location

TMPrePurchaseSharingListener will share the displayed attraction/venue with your customized message.

public interface TMPrePurchaseSharingListener : Serializable {

     * Set a customized sharing message based on the Artist or Venue being shared.
     * @param abstractEntity The Artist or Venue being shared
     * @return returns a customized sharing message set by integrating 
     *  app
    public fun getShareTextForArtistOrVenue(abstractEntity: DiscoveryAbstractEntity): String

Purchase Analytics:

Provides callbacks for user and transactional analytics. Based on your needs, handle the callbacks to report to your analytics dashboards.

There are 2 delegate methods for purchase Analytics:
TMPurchaseUserAnalyticsDelegate and TMPurchaseWebAnalyticsDelegate methods

Initialization Methods:

TMPurchaseNavigationController.eventDetailsNavigationController(eventIdentifier: String,
                                                marketDomain: MarketDomain = .US)

Initialization Example:

let viewController = TMPurchaseNavigationController.eventDetailsNavigationController(eventIdentifier:"1234567",
                                                marketDomain: MarketDomain = .US)

Setting Analytics delegates:

viewController.userAnalyticsDelegate =  self
viewController.webAnalyticsDelegate =  self

Setting other delegates:

viewController.sharingDelegate =  self
viewController.navigationDelegate =  self

User Analytics delegates:

/// The user analytics delegate of a `TMPurchaseNavigationController`
/// Set an object as the user analytics delegate if your application is interested in knowing about the actions a user takes.
public protocol TMPurchaseUserAnalyticsDelegate: AnyObject {
    /// Tells the delegate that the ticket selection portion of the purchase process began.
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didBeginTicketSelectionFor event: DiscoveryEvent)
    /// Tells the delegate that the ticket selection portion of the purchase process ended.
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didEndTicketSelectionFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      because reason: TMEndTicketSelectionReason)
    /// Tells the delegate that the checkout portion of the purchase process began.
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didBeginCheckoutFor event: DiscoveryEvent)
    /// Tells the delegate that the checkout portion of the purchase process ended.
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didEndCheckoutFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      because reason: TMEndCheckoutReason)
    /// Tells the delegate that the user made a purchase and is currently viewing the Order Confirmation page.
    /// - Note: `purchaseNavigationController(:didMakePurchaseForEvent)` is immediately called upon the purchase being completed, while the user is still viewing the Order Confirmation page.
    ///  Once the user is finished viewing their Order Confirmation, the user presses the `Done` button on the navigation bar and `purchaseNavigationController(:didEndCheckoutForEvent:)` is called.
    ///  If you want to update your UI (moving the user to the Orders Listing page, for example), wait for  `purchaseNavigationControllerDidFinish()` to be called.
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didMakePurchaseFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      order: TMPurchaseOrder)
    /// Tells the delegate that the user pressed a button on the navigation header bar
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didPressNavBarButtonFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      button: TMPurchaseNavBarButton)
    /// Tells the delegate that the user shared a link to this event
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didShare event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      activityType: UIActivity.ActivityType)
    /// Tells the delegate that the user navigated to a sub-page with the EDP or Cart
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didViewSubPageFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      subPage: TMPurchaseSubPage)

    /// Tells the delegate that the user has interacted with an UI component, resulting in a decision
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didMakeDecisionFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      component: TMPurchaseComponent,
                                      decision: TMPurchaseDecision)

Web Analytics Delegates:

/// The detailed anayltics delegate of a `TMPurchaseNavigationController`.
/// This protocol can be used for information about server behavior while inside an instance of `TMPurchaseNavigationController`.
public protocol TMPurchaseWebAnalyticsDelegate: AnyObject {
    // MARK: PageLoad Performance Callbacks
    /// Usually some kind of HTTP error loading webpage (a timeout?)
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      pageLoadDidErrorFor url: URL,
                                      error: NSError)
    /// an Error was explictly sent by Ticketmaster webpage via Javascript
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      webPageDidErrorFor url: URL,
                                      errorString: String)
    // MARK: UAL Callbacks
    /// internal pageView analytrics
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      webPageDidReportUALPageView pageView: UALPageView)
    /// internal commerceEvent analytics
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      webPageDidReportUALCommerceEvent commerceEvent: UALCommerceEvent)

Sharing Delegates:

/// The sharing delegate of a `TMPurchaseNavigationController`.
/// This protocol can be used to customize the message included in the social sharing feature by providing a new message to replace the default one used by the Purchase SDK.
/// Default Message:  eventTitle + " " + eventDate
/// - Note: If the delegate is not set or implemented, the default sharing message will be used.
public protocol TMPurchaseSharingDelegate: AnyObject {
    /// Set a customized sharing message based on the Event being shared.
    /// Integrating App's Task: use the provided Event to create a customized social sharing message
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      sharingMessageFor event: DiscoveryEvent,
                                      completion: @escaping (_ sharingMessage: String) -> Void)

Navigation Delegates:

/// The navigation delegate of a `TMPurchaseNavigationController`
/// Set an object as the navigation Delegate if your application is interested in knowing when the user navigates out of the `TMPurchaseNavigationController`
public protocol TMPurchaseNavigationDelegate: AnyObject {
    /// Tells the delegate that the Purchase EDP could not be loaded due to an error
    func purchaseNavigationController(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController,
                                      didFailToLoadWith error: Error)
    /// Tells the delegate that the user dismissed `purchaseNavigationController`.
    /// - Note: This method will be called exactly once, at the end of a `TMPurchaseNavigationController`'s lifetime because the user has completed or aborted purchase.
    /// - Important: Instances of `TMPurchaseNavigationController` attempt to dismiss themselves automatically by default. This behavior can be disabled by `TMPurchase.dismissUponCompletion`.
    func purchaseNavigationControllerDidFinish(_ purchaseNavigationController: TMPurchaseNavigationController)

To get analytics from Purchase SDK create your own implementation of TMPurchaseWebAnalyticsListener and TMPurchaseUserAnalyticsListener, and add these to TMPurchaseFragmentFactory when initializing Purchase.

        val factory =
                tmPurchaseNavigationListener = NavigationListener(),
                tmPurchaseShareListener = ShareListener(),
                tmPurchaseUserAnalyticsListener = UserAnalyticsListener(),
                tmPurchaseWebAnalyticsListener = WebAnalyticsListener(),
                oAuthListener = oAuthListener


 * This listener will notify you the user navigation
public interface TMPurchaseNavigationListener {

     * This method is called when the Purchase event details page could not be loaded due to an error
     * @param error The exception that occurred while loading the event details page
    public fun errorOnEventDetailsPage(error: Exception)

     * This method will be called when the user has completed or aborted purchase
    public fun onCheckoutClosed()

    public fun onActionItemClicked(attraction: DiscoveryAbstractEntity?)


 * This listener can be used to customize the message included in the social sharing feature by
 * providing a new message to replace the default one used by the Marketplace SDK.
 * Default Message:  eventTitle + " " + eventDate
public interface TMPurchaseSharingListener {

     * Set a customized sharing message based on the Event being shared.
     * @param event The Event being shared
     * @return returns a customized sharing message
    public fun getShareTextForEvent(event: DiscoveryEvent): String


 * This listener notifies you about the user actions
public interface TMPurchaseUserAnalyticsListener {

     * This method is called when the user opens ticket selection screen
     * @param event The event for which the ticket selection screen is opened
    public fun onTicketSelectionStarted(event: DiscoveryEvent)

     * This method is called when the user has finished the ticket selection process
     * @param event The event for which the ticket selection screen is complete
     * @param reason The reason ticket selection ended
    public fun onTicketSelectionFinished(event: DiscoveryEvent, reason: TMTicketSelectionEndReason)

     * This method is called when the checkout process has started
     * @param event The event for which the checkout process has started
    public fun onCheckoutStarted(event: DiscoveryEvent)

     * This method is called when the checkout process is finished
     * @param event The event for which the checkout process has finished
     * @param reason The reason checkout process finished
    public fun onCheckoutFinished(event: DiscoveryEvent, reason: TMCheckoutEndReason)

     * This method is called when the user made a purchase and is currently viewing the Order Confirmation page.
     * @param event The event which the user purchased
     * @param order The order for the purchase
    public fun onTicketPurchased(event: DiscoveryEvent, order: TMPurchaseOrder)

     * This method is called when the user selects a menu item
     * @param event The event on which the user selected the menu item
     * @param menuItemSelected The menu item that was selected
    public fun onMenuItemSelected(event: DiscoveryEvent, menuItemSelected: TMPurchaseMenuItem)

     * This method is called when the user shared a link to this event
    public fun onShare(event: DiscoveryEvent)

     * This method is called when the user navigated to a sub-page with the EDP or Cart
     * @param event The event on which the user is opening a subpage
     * @param subPage which sub-page with the EDP or Cart page has been viewed
    public fun onSubPageOpened(event: DiscoveryEvent, subPage: TMPurchaseSubPage)


 * This listener informs you with the server interaction
public interface TMPurchaseWebAnalyticsListener {

     * This method is called when an error occurs while loading the page
     * @param url The url at which the error occurred
     * @param error The exception
    public fun errorOnPageLoad(url: URL, error: Exception)

    // TODO needs further clarification
     * This method is called when an error occurs on a webpage
     * @param url The url where the error occurred
     * @param error The exception
    public fun errorOnWebpage(url: URL, error: Exception)

     * This method is called when a user visits a webpage
     * @param
    public fun onWebpageReportedUALPageView(pageView: UALPageView)

     * This method is called when a user performs an action, like a button click
     * @param
    public fun onWebpageReportedUALUserAction(action: UALUserAction)

     * This method is called when a user adds ticket to cart or purchases the ticket
     * @param
    public fun onWebpageReportedUALCommerceEvent(commerceEvent: UALCommerceEvent)

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